Compliment others – Choose uplifting music
Boosting self-esteem involves recognizing your intrinsic value and cultivating a positive self-image. Start by practicing positive self-talk and challenging negative beliefs about yourself. Replace criticism with supportive thoughts and affirmations.
Set achievable goals to build confidence through small successes, and focus on your strengths rather than dwelling on perceived failures. Engage in activities that make you feel competent and happy, as doing what you love can naturally enhance your view of yourself.

Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift you, as positive relationships contribute to a healthier self-esteem. Additionally, taking care of your physical health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can improve your overall mood and energy levels, making you feel better about yourself.
Remember, building self-esteem is a gradual process that requires patience and persistence. If you struggle to improve your self-esteem on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.
A therapist can offer personalized strategies and support to help you develop a stronger, more positive self-image.
Here are some places to get started
Exercise. Make a decision to become more active – and then do it. Go for a bike ride or a hike, join an aerobics class. Challenge yourself to learn yoga or tai chi. Get involved in weight training. Not only will you feel better physically, but your self-esteem will increase each time you challenge yourself to go a little further and succeed.
Listen to music. Music is one of those topics that immediately brings to mind different interpretations for different people. Whatever music you respond to, spend some time listening to your favorite kind of music. Choose music that makes you feel uplifted or motivated.
Give compliments to those around you. Decide each day that you will pay a compliment to three different people. One of them can be you! Make a commitment to do something to boost your self-esteem every day starting today. When you realize how much you can raise the spirits of other people by offering compliments and encouragement, you will add this habit to your daily routine. Remember to compliment yourself each day for your accomplishments, including things you have attempted and failed. Get in the habit of patting yourself on the back often, for all your efforts, whether the results are what you were hoping for or not.
Offer affection to those you love. Don’t forget to be affectionate with your spouse, your children and your pets. Remind yourself often why you love them and why they are a significant part of your life. When you feel that sense of unconditional love that is freely offered by a pet or a child, you will be reminded what a loveable person you really are.
Laughter. Self-esteem often goes down when you wallow in despair and self-pity. Instead, go out of your way to find reasons to laugh. Watch old sit-coms or Three Stooges movies. Stop taking yourself and your life so seriously.
What makes you unique? Spend some them thinking about this. Each and every one us has something to offer the world that only we can offer. What will your family and friends remember you for when you’re gone? What is your legacy? One way to boost self-esteem is to identify your unique qualities and realize that you do have a contribution to make to life, to the greater good of those whose lives you touch.
You are special. Find out what makes you that way. Begin your journey to boost self-esteem and celebrate being exactly who you are.