Free Self Hypnosis Scripts

Creating effective hypnosis scripts

Creating effective self-help hypnosis scripts requires understanding what you wish to achieve and structuring the script to guide you into a deeply relaxed state, where your mind is more open to suggestions. Here are a couple of free self-help hypnosis scripts tailored for two common goals: reducing stress and enhancing self-confidence. Remember, the effectiveness of these scripts can increase with practice and personalization to fit your unique needs and voice.

Script for Stress Reduction

Begin by finding a comfortable position in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes, and take three deep breaths. With each breath, imagine drawing in calmness and exhaling tension.

Now, visualize yourself standing at the top of a staircase with ten steps leading down to a peaceful place. With each number I count, feel yourself taking a step down, becoming more relaxed with each step. Ten, stepping down and feeling calm. Nine, deeper relaxed. Eight, more and more relaxed. Continue down the steps, feeling more relaxed with each number, until you reach one.

At the bottom of the staircase, imagine a beautiful garden, your private sanctuary of peace and relaxation. Notice the colors, the scents, and the gentle breeze on your skin. Here, in this place, you feel completely at peace.

In this state of deep relaxation, know that you have the power to manage stress effectively. Repeat to yourself: “Every day, in every way, I am becoming more relaxed and calm. I handle life’s challenges with ease and confidence. Stress flows out of my body with each breath, leaving peace and clarity.”

When you’re ready to return to your day, count yourself up from one to five, feeling refreshed and relaxed. At five, open your eyes, stretch your body, and carry this feeling of calm with you.

Script for Enhancing Self-Confidence

Find a comfortable position where you can relax without interruption. Take a deep breath in, hold it for a moment, and then slowly exhale. With each breath, allow yourself to relax deeper.

Imagine a light above your head, a warm, comforting light that begins to descend over you, relaxing your body and mind. Feel this light as it moves over your head, your shoulders, down your arms, and all the way down to your feet. With each breath, this light relaxes you more deeply.

Now, imagine yourself standing in front of a door that leads to a room filled with confidence. With each number I count from ten to one, you feel yourself moving closer to this door, feeling more eager and more relaxed with each step. Ten, moving towards the door. Nine, feeling calm. Continue counting down, feeling anticipation and relaxation grow.

As you enter this room, you see a version of yourself filled with confidence. Notice how you stand, how you speak, and how you shine with self-assurance. Step into this version of yourself, feeling this confidence infuse into every part of your being.

Repeat to yourself: “I am confident, capable, and strong. I believe in myself and my abilities. Each day, my confidence grows stronger. I face challenges with courage and grace.”


When you feel ready, gently count yourself back to awareness from one to five. At five, open your eyes, feeling confident and refreshed, ready to bring this newfound confidence into your day.

Tips for Using Hypnosis Scripts

Personalize: Adjust the scripts to include your own experiences, favorite places, or affirmations that resonate with you.

Record: Consider recording yourself reading the script, then play it back during your session for a more immersive experience.

Practice Regularly: The more you practice self-hypnosis, the more effective it becomes. Try to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Self-hypnosis can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. These scripts are starting points; feel free to adapt them to better suit your journey towards well-being.

Creating effective hypnosis scripts

The following includes several sites that offer free self hypnosis scripts you can copy or adapt for use in your own self hypnosis sessions. They vary from a plain verbal mantra to an elaborate mix of audio stimulation and visual aids.

There is a plethora of information available about self hypnosis and your own latent power to make significant changes in your life by hypnotic suggestion.

Every person is different, and finding the correct self hypnosis script that will help you attain your own trance state may take some trial and error, but hopefully one of these sources for self hypnosis scripts will have the correct match for you. This UK site has a wide array of audio recordings downloadable in cd or mp3 format, for overcoming everything from fear of flying to improving your golf game. In addition, they offer spiral images and printable scripts that cover topics such as guilt release and preparation for surgery. Oxford Hypnotherapy offers this free online course that includes scripts, audio aids and suggestions for each phase of the self hypnotic process.

A few basics to look for when deciding on a self hypnosis script is the goals you are trying to achieve, the type of relaxation techniques that work best for you, and whether the script ‘speaks’ to you – meaning that you can relate to it and don’t find it cloying or ridiculous, but it actually penetrates your mental barriers and helps you to truly let go.

A few tips – if you memorize the script and say it aloud to induce your hypnosis, you should use the first person “I”. However, if you opt to record your version and play it back for self hypnosis sessions, you will want to use “you” as the recording is actually treated as a surrogate hypnotherapist.

Once you have found the script that works for you, you should have no trouble learning how to quickly enter a trance state and plant suggestions to improve your life. As with all self building exercises, focus on the positive. With successful self hypnosis, you may be one step closer to a happy, healthy life!

Learn about hypnosis (video)

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