Social skills worksheets are an excellent tool for learning and practicing effective communication techniques, which can include both verbal and non-verbal behaviors. Examine the communication styles listed below and then determine the best course of action to take in each sample scenario.
Communication Style
The style of communication a person uses can greatly influence the outcome of an interaction with others. Examine the four styles and choose the one which you feel is the healthiest and most effective.
Passive Communication is when a person speaks quietly, avoids eye contact or slumps her posture. She may agree to something she doesn’t feel comfortable doing or back down from confrontation.
Passive-Aggressive Communication is when a person is passive and agreeable in face-to-face situations, but aggressive when the other person is no longer present. He may tell his roommate he is not angry about an argument they shared, and then smash the headlight out of his roommate’s car later that night.
Assertive Communication is clear, direct and shows respect for self and others. An assertive communicator makes eye contact, appears relaxed, and speaks firmly from her own viewpoint.
Aggressive Communication is when a person yells at others, clenches his jaw or fists, and points at the flaws in others. This sometimes escalates into violence.
Most people use a combination of these communication styles, depending on the situation, though it is always best to aim for assertive communication.
Sample Scenarios
Which is the best response/reaction in each of the following scenarios – assuming that assertive communication is the best choice?
1.Your boss calls you into his office, slams his hand down on the desk and says, “You ruined this report!” Will you:
a. Tell him it is his fault for failing to provide you with good direction.
b. Nod in agreement, then tell everyone in the office that the boss is an idiot.
c. Calmly ask him to note the errors and tell him you will fix them.
d. Nod in agreement, and decide that you are incapable of doing this job.
2. Your family isn’t helping with household chores. Will you:
a. Hold a family meeting and ask everyone to volunteer for chosen chores.
b. Stop washing dishes and laundry so that they have nothing clean to use.
c. Make lots of noise as you are cleaning, and yell at them for being lazy.
d. Forget about your hobbies and make time to take care of everything.
3. You find out that your spouse lied to you (about something small). Will you:
a. Slap them and scream, “How dare you!”
b. Explain you feel hurt by the dishonesty and wish to address the reasons for it.
c. Act like nothing happened, and then tell lies to them to feel “equal.”
d. Act like nothing happened.
In the first scenario, C is the assertive answer. In the second, the best reaction is A, and in the third, B is most effective.
Consider the possible outcomes of each answer for a cause-and-effect look at each type of communication style. You can create worksheets with different possible reactions when you face bad situations, and decide which reaction serves the best. The use of social skills worksheets brings real-life scenarios to the imagination and provides you the opportunity to explore different ways of handling such situations.