Symptoms Of Stress And Anxiety

List of physical and mental symptoms of stress and anxiety

Symptoms of stress and anxiety are often difficult to manage and can greatly impact your everyday life. But by recognizing these symptoms and employing healthy stress reduction techniques , you can reduce their severity and improve your ability to cope with stressful situations.

Physical Symptoms of Stress

We’re all familiar with the milder physical symptoms of a stressful situation : rapid breathing, an increased heart rate, tense muscles or an upset stomach.

But did you know that pain in your body can be a symptom of stress?

A sore back is not necessarily from muscle strain, nor is a headache always brought on by the weather or noxious fumes. If you’re experiencing pain that your doctor is unable to diagnose, consider the level of stress in your life. Moreover, long-term stress can cause loss of sex drive and greatly increase your susceptibility to physical illness.

Additional physical symptoms include:

  • Insomnia, or the desire to sleep much more than usual
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chest pain
  • Restlessness or nervous energy


Mental Symptoms of Stress

Stress and anxiety can impair your thought processes and wreak havoc on your emotions . If you’re unable to concentrate on ordinary tasks—or if you forget about the tasks altogether—it’s possible that you’re experiencing a high level of stress. The constant worry and focus on negative areas of your life brings an emotional upheaval, which typically influences behaviors, too.

Additional mental symptoms include:

  • A negative outlook or depression
  • Racing thoughts, or a constant sense of being overwhelmed
  • Frequent mood changes
  • Agitation or anger outbursts


Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety and stress are equally unavoidable and share many of the same symptoms; however, anxiety typically revolves around fear or worry. It’s normal to experience concern, sweaty palms and an increased heart or breath rate when facing a new or worrisome situation. Anxiety becomes a problem, though, when you experience a sudden onset of severe symptoms, such as a panic attack, or feel overly anxious in ordinary situations, such as social outings.

Effects of Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety and unchecked stress can affect your work and relationships, as well as your ability to effectively manage everyday life. When long-term stress causes a negative outlook and lack of energy, people often turn to poor habits, procrastination, or total neglect of responsibilities. Anxiety, on the other hand, typically stops people from participating in the activities they enjoy. This is understandable, as it’s difficult to face the sources of stress and to manage its many symptoms, but the use of relaxation techniques can reduce these symptoms and the impact they have on your life.

Exercise and deep breathing can bring immediate relief from symptoms, though it’s helpful to develop a stress management plan to cope with severe or long-term stress. If you find that symptoms of stress and anxiety are harming your ability to function in everyday life, please seek the help of a mental health professional, as you may be experiencing an anxiety disorder.

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