Weight Loss with Mind Power

How to lose weight – Will power

You can achieve weight loss with mind power. The same techniques of mind power that help people rise above incredible odds such as illness and disability can be used to lose weight.

Many overweight people hear these dreaded words from the unsympathetic: “The only reason you don’t lose weight is because you lack will power.” Their implication is that you don’t lose weight because you don’t really want to.

Wanting to lose weight and knowing how to lose weight are not the same thing. What you need is a tool to help you meet your potential. The tool of mind power is channeling the energy and power of the mind to stay in control of yourself.

So how can you achieve weight loss with mind power? Change in any area of your life always starts in the mind. Here are some ideas;

Visualization. A great tool for weight loss is visualization. Close your eyes and picture yourself at a healthier, slimmer weight. Picture yourself eating healthy foods and feeling good. Visualize yourself in a new outfit one or two sizes smaller. Cut out a picture of a celebrity whose figure you admire and put this picture on your refrigerator to remind you of how you want to look.

Positive thinking. Many people don’t succeed at weight loss because they defeat themselves in their mind long before they do anything else, particularly people who have attempted dieting before and failed. In fact, if you dwell on the negative thoughts that you’re probably going to fail, you definitely will. If you anticipate failure, you are giving yourself an excuse not to take action. By using the power of the mind, you can begin believing that just as many other people have succeeded at weight loss, you can too.


Changing your eating habits is often associated with negative thoughts. Your thoughts center on statements such as;

• “I can’t have any dessert”

• “I have to do without biscuits,”

• “the battle of the bulge”

Negatives have to be changed to positives. Replace negative statements with positive thoughts.

• “I’m getting closer to looking the way I want to look.”

• “I am proud of myself for the healthy choices I am making.”

• “I have more energy than I did ten years ago.”


Fill your mind with positive statements and get past the attitude that you are deprived. What you are really depriving yourself of is unhealthy choices.

What discourages a lot of people from weight loss effort is how slow and imperceptible progress is. Pay attention to baby steps of progress. Record progress in a journal and create positive statements to help you to stay motivated.

The path to achieving weight loss with mind power involves affirmations, visualization and adjusting your own attitude to focus on the positive. Retrain your mind to recognize that you are doing something good for yourself, and you are not depriving yourself. With this powerful tool, you can think yourself slim.

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